Monday, March 14, 2011

It's all about the RELATIONSHIP!

     Many of us are our own worst enemy when it comes do buying anything, especially when we have to deal with a sales person.  I don't know if it's our instincts or it's because we have been programmed to do that by learning from others.   Over our lifetimes we will all buy a lot of goods and services.  Sometimes it will be a car, house, furniture, jewelry, clothes, construction services etc.  It is so much easier to do business with someone that you have a relationship with.  The question is how do we get that relationship?  It starts by being a little more open minded and giving the person TRYING to HELP YOU a chance.
     Most of the sales people out there are good people that are trying to make a living to support their families just like you.  Most of them truly do want to help you in your quest to find whatever it is you are looking for and share their expertise with you.  The greatest thing is once you have built your relationship, you know have a friend in whatever business it is, and they value that relationship even more than you do.  Now there are always a few bad apples out there in any business, so we still have to be aware, but we don't have to have huge walls up and be rude to people.  So next time you are shopping for something and someone asks to help you out, give them a chance you might just be surprised.

1 comment:

  1. Very true...I am posting this on facebook. Thank you, Mr. Galkin
